We spent the last few days in Las Vegas. As you can see above, their barns are a little different from my barn. This barn / bar was just off Fremont Street.
We went to the pool, ate, drank, gambled, and went sightseeing. The whole area is fun to visit, but is very unnatural. The only green (besides the money) were the plants and grasses planted everywhere being watered by the Colorado River. I find the concept of a city in the heart of desert somewhat strange. It was hectic, hot, and full of hardscapes - but little in the way of cool, soft and natural landscapes.
Being in Vegas was like being out in the heat - a little feels good, but too much drains you. We got back late last nite. We were tired, but glad to be home. It felt good to sit on my tractor and mow green grass. I need a vacation from my vacation . . .
hahaha, I knew you would say this. I said this... Our 'week' in Vegas was taxing, but I'd go back for a day or two.
Sometimes leaving behind the things we take for granted makes us appreciate them all the more when we return - my bed is soooo comfortable and my drinks out with friends last night were only $4.00 not $12.00! But, I have to admit I love the Vegas experience; especially being on the strip and seeing all the eye candy. I'll be going back!!
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