
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Flooding Continues

We have had several rain-free days.  Blues skies, moderate winds from the north, and high temperatures around 62 degF.

Lake Champlain is slowly receding.  After reaching a peak over 103 feet, it is around 102.5 feet today.  It will take many weeks before it is under flood stage.

Though we don't live on the lake, I am continuously confronted by the flooding.  There isn't a day when I go cycling that some road isn't closed, or a bridge has water over it.  Hundreds of homes and camps are flooded.  Our flooding is not as extensive as that of the Mississippi, but we still have a lot of damaged roads and ruined homes.

The Otter is starting to drop in level and volume.  I noticed it was more blue than brown today, though the major tributaries (like the Lemon Fair) are still brown and muddy.

Joining of the Lemon Fair with Otter Creek

There has been a lot of flooding of farm fields.  The runoff is introducing large amounts of phosphorus into the lake.  I wonder what the streams, slangs and lake will be like in the coming weeks and months.

1 comment:

~ Regan said...

That's shocking to see, and I wonder how the farmers are going to cope with the problems they will undoubtedly face. Hopefully, you will have a long hot summer to balance things out.

Glad you stopped by today, I am slowly but surely coming up with a collection of favorite DF dishes, some you wouldn't guess what was missing ;) (Thank goodness for Vegan Cupcakes!!!) :D