
Monday, June 24, 2013

So Close!

I scrounged up an photo of the old farmhouse I took nearly 7 years ago.  I took it on an early autumn day (you can tell as the tiger lilies in the front are spent and there are leaves collecting in the front yard).

Back in 2006, we had junipers all around the house (holding in moisture, providing a home to rabbits which chewed on cable lines, and hiding chipped and broken Transite tiles).  Those are gone.

I transplanted the tiger lilies to the white garden on the east of the yard (so much easier to mow around).

I removed the lamp post (it too was a pain to mow around).

We put on a new roof.

We replaced almost every window (hooray for energy tax credits).

As frequent followers know, we also resided the house.  We also covered all the trim detail in metal flashing (no more panting!).

There are still a few minor items on the residing punch list, but we really like the results.  Our 200+ year old house looks almost brand new!

A lot of old power and phone lines were removed.  We also did a minor modification to open up the porch.  We now can put a table under the porch.  The green base color really accentuates the white trim around the house.

I wonder what changes future owners will make?  Do you think this will be a 300+ year old house?

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