
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So Sad, Too Bad . . .

We had a hard frost the last 2 mornings.  Unfortunately, the bleeding hearts did not fare too well.  I know they will bounce back (they always do). My wife really likes them (she has good memories of her maternal grandmother's bleeding hearts).  So sad.

However, as I walked down to the creek (passing by a rabbit which ignored me), I noticed the knotweed took a big hit.  Not bad, so glad!

Auction Update:

Last weekend, I had put in an absentee bid for a Horrocks and Ibbotson 'Ike Walton' fly rod. Usually, they retail for $100.  They were never very fishable, but look nice on a wall.  I went as high as $75, but lost to an $80 bid.  Not mad, just sad.

The wife put in a lot of bids for crocks of various sizes.  Needless to say, she got a bunch of them.  We also picked up 2 green stoneware bowls.  Very glad!

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